Are we or are we not alone?

It has always existed polemic about the possibility of other forms of life existing somewhere else in the Universe. Throughout history, many false evidences have cause the decrease of the number of people who believed it possible, or in counterpart, encouraged the remaining part to keep investigating and put themselves in danger, some even have reached madness.

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In my case, I believe that indeed, other beings dwell in other planets or galaxies away but, don’t picture my words as anthropoid organisms like the ones that are shown in science fiction movies; nor I think UFOS or anything related to Star Wars and Star Trek is real, my idea is much simpler than that.

I feed my posture with actual demonstrations of life existence in extreme conditions that could endure other planets environments and that, surprisingly can be found in Earth. What the hell I am talking about you may think, or even dare to suggest I belong to the crazy people that was mentioned before, but no I’m just making allusion to bacteria.

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Yes, these unicellular creatures actually are more complex than they seem, now, I am not referring to the kind that provoke us disgusting diseases, but those that are by far more interesting, among them are the hyperbaric (able to bare extreme levels of pressure) and hyperthermophiles (live in places where temperature can reach 1200°C), both can be spotted in the sea bottom (not the actual bottom), inside volcanos or in deeper capes of the planet.

You might think how all this is related to our main topic, well one of the most common thought against life in space is that the other worlds present uninhabitable conditions for biological structures to proliferate, but studying these bacteria have proven that we can’t predict or assure whether something alive will surge or not.

So, why can´t there be bacteria that are adapted to Jupiter gasses and that right now are living there, the problem is that we are so used to sci-fi that when this topic is mentioned we immediately think no, it´s not possible, but if we are way more realistic and are knowledgeable of real science we can approach things with a new viewpoint, allowing our minds to a bunch of probabilities that otherwise we would have never considered.

Nevertheless we must not forget that we'll never be hundred percent sure about what dwells in the universe that surround us.

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  1. ¡Hi Laura!

    I´m writing to give my humble opinion about your article.

    I like your article, because express your ideas in a clear and organized manner. You made known your point of view of what you thought or imagined things are, but you also let people know what people can believe through movies or history, since from there they begin to have an imaginary world of how they can be the life of the universe. You are a bit more realistic, you rely on scientific evidence or facts which have a clearer theory of why things happen. I could see that you were very clear and firm with your thoughts (I hope to be a safe day), so in the first part he has 2 out of 2.

    In the second part, which is the vocabulary, from my point of view, it seemed very good since it was clear, maybe there were words that I did not know but I looked for them in the dictionary to understand but most of them I understood very clearly. So you have 1 more point.

    In section three, I can tell you, I do not know much grammar (in this language) but I did not detect any errors in its grammar and the structure of the language seemed good to me, so good job another point.

    Final part, mechanics, because as I said before, your article seemed very good, since it was well written and in the score there was no problem. There were no mistakes in your spelling. I know that you master this language well, but at one time we can make mistakes when writing but this time we do not. For this reason I give it 1 point of 1.

    Your final score is 5. Congratulations 

    - Maria M


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