
Flying friends Hello again! In this entry I’ll like to share with you, and incredible organization I discovered this past weekend, it is called “Bringing Back the Bee” which its main goal is to increase the number of bee populations by an average of 25% over the next three years. I know that some of you have already thought “How boring” or “What do I care about bees?” but, believe it or not, they are an indispensable part of the ecosystem, even more here in Puerto Vallarta and Why is so? Well, it is because they are the only pollinators of avocado trees plus are really helpful in the blossom of mango trees as well; and as you must know those two fruits are significant in the region. So if these chubby insects cease to exist we might find ourselves before starvation due the number of crops that would disappear. After that input, let´s return to the purpose of the text, I already told you about the organisms aim and if it is not for you it´s ok but, if i
Are we or are we not alone? It has always existed polemic about the possibility of other forms of life existing somewhere else in the Universe. Throughout history, many false evidences have cause the decrease of the number of people who believed it possible, or in counterpart, encouraged the remaining part to keep investigating and put themselves in danger, some even have reached madness. In my case, I believe that indeed, other beings dwell in other planets or galaxies away but, don’t picture my words as anthropoid organisms like the ones that are shown in science fiction movies; nor I think UFOS or anything related to Star Wars and Star Trek is real, my idea is much simpler than that. I feed my posture with actual demonstrations of life existence in extreme conditions that could endure other planets environments and that, surprisingly can be found in Earth. What the hell I am talking about you may think, or even dare to suggest I belong to the crazy people that was